Thursday, June 14, 2007


Ladies and gents, it's officially Frustration Time.

No matter how much I do, or don't do, I feel like today has been perpetually irritating. As if the day did not have enough hours, they seem to be endless. Nothing seems to be going right, or anywhere for that matter. I followed my daily rutine with my tall caramel macciato. it sucked. I threw the whole thing away. I watched Dr. Zhivago at work (yes, that slow of a day) until the clock's hands reached their highest point alerting me of lunch. I stood very robot like and walked to the break room only to realize I had left my lunch back at home. I don't think I was even upset or hungry so I just sat there looking at others eat with such devotion to their meals. It has been rather odd to just be an observer. You know it's a crappy day when your 'highlight' of the day is reading a funny post on
I wish, so badly I was out of here. out of this city. sigh*
nightime is here. I think I will go out. Or maybe I should give coffee an opportunity to make up for itself while I continue reading my henry miller book.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Thanks for the comments on my blog and following my little trip! I think you need to kick the dust off your blog and make some new posts young lady. Maybe just stick up some fotos with your picture taking skills. Impressive book selection in your profile by the way! I've been trying to read 100 yrs. of solitude in spanish but it is sloooow going. I think I'm going to shelve it soon and just grab an english version. Hope all's well!
